Flight Booking Form

IMPORTANT: Please click here if you're travelling to South Africa with your Child / Children

Guest / Passenger Details:

*Last Name: *First Name:
*Contact Number: Frequent Flyer Number:
*ID / Passport No:
*E-Mail: *E-Mail:E-Mail Confirmation:

Please note the name must be exactly as per the traveler's passport and or ID document (first name and given (family name))
The airline can deny boarding, without compensation if the name is in correct.
A copy of Passport is required for international visitors

Flight Details:

  Departure City: Arrival City: Dep. Date: Dep. Time: Return Date: Seat Preference:

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS / NOTES (meals, wheelchair etc)

All published prices are subject to change without prior notice. This may be due to currency regulations and/or changes in duties or taxes.

Type this number into the box alongside: